"Do You Want the Church to Remain Silent when She Should Speak?"
When I was growing up, Cardinal Josef Mindszenty was a hero in my family. My grandmother from Bohemian and Moravian background would speak of him as a saint. He should be canonized as such and the be the patron saint of those falsely accused of ODD..
Read about him here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C3%B3zsef_Mindszenty
And, when I was six weeks old, Pope Pius XII said this of the Cardinal's show trial in St. Peter's Square. From the above article:
On 20 February, 1949, the Pope addressed a series of questions to "an enormous crowd which had gathered in St. Peter's Square" to protest the Cardinal's show trial and conviction. He asked, "Do you want a Church that remains silent when She should speak; that diminishes the law of God where she is called to proclaim it loudly, wanting to accommodate it to the will of man? Do you want a Church that departs from the unshakable foundations upon which Christ founded Her, taking the easy way of adapting Herself to the opinion of the day; a Church that is a prey to current trends; a Church that does not condemn the suppression of conscience and does not stand up for the just liberty of the people; a Church that locks Herself up within the four walls of Her temple in unseemly sycophancy, forgetting the divine mission received from Christ: 'Go out the crossroads and preach the people'? Beloved sons and daughters! Spiritual heirs of numberless confessors and martyrs! Is this the Church you venerate and love? Would you recognize in such a Church the features of your Mother? Would you be able to imagine a Successor of St. Peter submitting to such demands?"[17]
According to Sister Pascalina, who witnessed the rally, "In reply to the Holy Father came a single cry like thunder still ringing in our ears: 'No!'"[18]
Hebrews 10:19-25 and Mark 4:21 apply to us today more than ever.
A friend of mine did not want me to wear my cross in the Paris airport of Orly the day after the Je Suis Charlie shootings.
Of course, I did.
Another person I know said that one should avoid contentious discussions. We do not need to be argumentative, but we do need to stand up for the Faith.
Did you know that the psychological and psychiatric professions have defined an illness from the 1960s called Defiance Oppostional Disorder?
I do not think it is an illness, but a way to control dissent from government policies. I was speaking with a medical person who looked it up in his manual.
Can you guess which persons in history were labelled as having this?
Can you guess?
Gandhi, Jesus Christ, Martin Luther King.....I wish I was making this up but I saw it in the text.
Now, there is a bill which may be passed either by Congress or the president forbidding people who look at "conspiracy websites" or such blogs from getting gun licenses.
We, the Catholics, will be next...and remember, this is what the Soviert Union did to millions of priests, nuns and religious, as well as dissenting lay people--give them a diagnosis of insanity and send them to the Gulag.
So, you go weekly and pray outside an abortion clinic, which is part of a national, federal health scheme?
You could be diagnosed as having ODD.
If you want to look up more on this, check these out.