Saturday 31 October 2015

Thank You

It is fitting that as Guild chairman, I extend gratitude on behalf of the Guild and of our readers to Supertradmum, who has, through her excellent writing on the Holy Faith, inspired so many of us with her words, helping to spread the fragrance of the Gospel and to enlighten us with her writings, which have always been measured with the charity of Christ, with candour, integrity and with great love for Jesus and His Holy Church.

May God bless Supertradmum, in all your undertakings and may God and Blessed Titus Brandsma watch over our Guild of Catholic bloggers in this, a time of upheaval and distress within the walls of the Church. Thank you, Supertradmum, for your witness to Jesus on this blog and may God shower His blessings on you and all who you know and love.

1 comment:

  1. The Bones,

    You and yours and all the Guild Members are most welcome. I shall miss you all. These are new but old times of tribulation.

    God bless us all in these trying days.


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