On the second leg of his trip to South America, Pope Francis traveled to Bolivia. The Holy Father made a courtesy visit to Eso Morales at the Palace of the Government in La Paz.
As is customary when heads of state meet, the President and the Pope exchanged gifts. Pope Francis gave the Bolivian president a mosaic of the Marian icon of the “Salus Populus Romani". For his part, Bolivian President Eso Morales gave the Holy See a crucifix based on a hammer and sickle, essentially a communist crucifix.
As for the gift of religious art, Pope Francis shook his head as the Socialist President gave him this communist styled crucifix and audibly said: “No está bien eso”. As this exchange was filmed for transmission throughout the world, the Holy Father's embarrassment seemed visible.

Shortly after arriving in Bolivia Pope Francis' motorcade stopped along the highway where Fr. Espinal Camps was abducted. Pope Francis prayed:
"Remember one of our brothers, a victim of interests that didn't want him to fight for Bolivia's freedom,. Father Espinal preached the Gospel, the Gospel that bothered them, and because of this they got rid of him."
Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi, tried to walk back from this diplomatic faux pas by claiming that Pope Francis was unaware that the gift was inspired by Fr. Espinal Camps crucifix and that the Holy Father meant to say: "I didn't know" instead of "This is not right". That explanation is courteously convenient but seems spurious considering the Pope's actual words and his visible embarrassment over the gift.
Perhaps the Bolivian visit highlights the conundrum of Pope Francis' disposition towards social justice.
But as the rhetoric meets reality, as demonstrated by Eso Morales photo op, secular socialists (and communists) may strive to exploit this sympathy for their own atheistic advantage.
But as the rhetoric meets reality, as demonstrated by Eso Morales photo op, secular socialists (and communists) may strive to exploit this sympathy for their own atheistic advantage.
from the National Catholic Reporter:
ReplyDeleteAt least one media outlet reported the pope saying, "That's not right," ("No esta bien eso") but several others said the pope, who was speaking Spanish, responded, "I didn't know that" ("Eso no lo sabia") when Morales explained the cross was based on a design by Espinal.
Seattle kim
I think he should ask himself why Mr. Morales would think he would be receptive. He has Marxists in high Church positions and as advisors and "obsessed" about the material needs of the poor and environment (green is the new red) more, it seems, than the eternal destination of souls or even the Christian communities' different flights in the west and in the east. It sounds like this book by Douglas J Roche, called "The Catholic Revolution", in which the author pauses the crazy experimentation and making the Church an institution of social work, while demeaning its divine purpose of leading souls to Heaven.
ReplyDeleteThe underlying article notes the confusion between "That's not right" and "I didn't know that." The videotape is muddled. The PR spokesman must be mindful of diplomatic nicities. However, what is enigmatic is Pope Francis' actions towards the commie crucifix
ReplyDeleteThe above quote attributed to the pope is false. It should be corrected to what he actually said ("I didn't know that.") or taken down. See links below, especially the third one, which includes a timeline. The quote in bold is misleading. The pope did not say the words in quotes attributed to him. The fact that the "underlying article" notes the confusion does not correct the false impression created by the false "quotation."