
Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Feast of Blessed Titus Brandsma

Upon this the Feast of Blessed Titus Brandsma, I wish all readers of this blog, all contributers to this blog, all Catholic journalists, bloggers, commentators and those using the the media and the new media to spread the fragrance of the Gospel a very happy Feast. Blessed Titus is a patron of Catholic journalists. The love of Blessed Titus for Jesus Christ and His Church was sealed with his blood at the concentration camp in Dachau. 

As DC Calamity has posted already, it would not be fitting to overlook on this blog the immense sacrifice - the ultimate sacrifice that took place yesterday, in events unprecedented for Europe - if increasingly common for other parts of the world - of another priest, a Frenchman named Fr Jacques Hamel, who, like Blessed Titus, sealed his love and service to Christ and His Church with his blood. 

May Fr Jacques join Blessed Titus to intercede for Europe and for France from his place in Heaven, for the Church, for Europe and the World, that all may come to know the love, mercy and peace that comes from Jesus Christ, our Saviour and our God. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus welcome those who, living and believing in error, spread hatred, fear and terror into the hearts of mankind.

Remembering a Modern Martyr of Normandy

Two terrorists aligned with ISIS took hostages during a morning Mass in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray in Normandy France.  The Muslim terrorists forced Fr. Jacques Hamel to kneel at the altar and then they slit the throat of the 84 year old curate as they reportedly videotaped the brutality.

Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi. S.J., lamented the martyrdom of Fr. Hamel, noting: “We are particularly stricken because this horrible violence occurred in a church — a sacred place in which the love of God is proclaimed — with the barbaric killing of a priest." 

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Catholic Identity Conference 2016

9-11 September 2016

Weirton, West Viginia

Registration Info.

For the fourth consecutive year, this three-day conference will be held in Weirton, West Virginia.  As in past years, the speakers will represent a broad spectrum of traditional Catholic viewpoints with the stated aim being to highlight areas of agreement, without glossing over differences, and to encourage communication and rapport between traditional Catholic individuals and groups.  No attempt is made to silence or marginalize.  If one holds fast to traditional Catholic doctrine, and worships in a traditional Catholic manner, or would like to learn more about traditional Catholic doctrine and worship, they are welcome to attend and participate.

The featured speakers represent a range of organizations and expertise, and include both clergy and laity.  There are priests from the two largest traditional religious orders along with Catholic journalists, a historian, lawyer, broadcaster, and a representative from a Catholic youth organization.  The setting is intimate and affords participants with ample opportunity to meet the speakers and engage them in conversation.  There will be daily Traditional Latin Masses.

(Updated) Featured speakers for 2016 include:

For additional information and to register, visit the Catholic Identity Conference website.

For a brief summary of the talks and to order the CD's, visit here.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

A Bit on Reorienting Vatican II Catholics' Divine Worship

Cardinal Robert Sarah on Reorienting Vatican II Catholics' Divine Worship

Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship Cardinal Robert Sarah's strong defense of ad orientem worship is no surprise.  However, Cardinal Sarah suggestion at the Sacra Liturgia Conference in London to push to re-orient Vatican II Catholics posture away from versus populum positioning during the Liturgy of the Eucharist by the beginning of Advent 2016 was shocking. The announcement was greeted by prolonged applause at the Conference, indicating that the mostly clerical audience was behind the move.