
Saturday, 8 August 2015

Not isolating, not winging it...

Catholics are not going to be able to wing it anymore. All of us are going to have to have the basics down pat. Why? We merely cannot just say "Because the Church says so..."

We need to know why and be able to say why we believe in something or Someone. Recently, Cardinal Nichols said he wanted "gay Masses" throughout Great Britain. Some commentators went on and on about Masses not being for certain groups, which is stupid, no offense, but there have always been Masses for certain groups, such as Opus Dei Masses, or Latin Mass Society Masses in the past, or Cursio Masses and so on. We have always in the Church had special Masses for special groups of those who needed this type of ministry for whatever reason.

Now, I knew personally Msgr. Keith Barltrop, although I have not seen him for years, but had the "luck" of meeting this holy man many times, who is the chaplain for the LGTB people in the Church in GB. I think he understands that there is a real need for a revamping of what is being done by a rebellious group in London. My guess and the guess of others is that a real Mass for those suffering ssa is needed in order to evangelize and meet the needs of the whole.

If the sewer Mass in London is under the diocesan watchmen on the tower, such a Mass could actually bring, especially young people, into the real teaching of the Church.

How about those with same-sex attraction becoming the truly pure, chaste group, which needs to occur, like a holy remnant of those who suffer from the "wound" of ssa, becoming saints through such a ministry under the guidance and care of the bishops?


  1. Respectfully, I do not agree with you on this blogpost.

  2. " there have always been Masses for certain groups, such as Opus Dei Masses, or Latin Mass Society Masses in the past, or Cursio Masses and so on. We have always in the Church had special Masses for special groups of those who needed this type of ministry for whatever reason."

    Really? How often in her history has the Church encouraged Masses for those who are attached to a specific sin or vice? I find it quite offensive that you could equate Opus Dei, the LMS or Cursillo with collectives of unrepentant Sodomites.
