
Friday, 14 August 2015

Bishop Athanasius Schneider on the Synod Again

If you missed the excellent interview with Bishop here is the transcript at Catholic Voice.

We post here just one question and answer here including a damning response from the great bishop of the state of the Catholic Church, in particular, here in the West. It is highly relevant now because Catholic schools in Britain, and around the world, have long been complicit in the culture of death, providing access to abortion and contraception for the under-16s without parental knowledge. This is happening with the co-operation of the Catholic authorities.

Q. Excellency, in the ongoing debate over same sex “marriage” some Catholic groups have become open to the notion of recognizing that same sex pairs can have long term loving relationships thus they conclude that it is possible to recognize same sex civil partnerships. It is evident that even a few bishops support this idea but could this ever be an authentic Catholic position?

Bishop Athanasius: "This can never be an authentic Catholic position because it contradicts directly the words of God, which says that homosexual acts and the homosexual lifestyle are a grievous offense of the will of God (cf. Gen 18:20; Lev 18:22; 20:13; Is 3:9; Rom 1:26-27; 1 Cor 6:10; 1 Tim 1:10; Jud 7). Committing evil in a long-term and even loving relationship cannot transform the same evil into good. Only true repentance that includes contrition and the firm intention to avoid the evil cancels with the grace of God the evil. It would be absurd to affirm that alcoholism will gain a positive recognition because of the long-term and loving relationship of two persons who established this relationship on the base of their propensity to alcohol. The same absurdity contains the above-mentioned affirmation about same sex unions."

Let us give thanks to God and pray fervently for this holy Bishop.

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