
Wednesday, 10 June 2015

The Divine Office

As a member of the laity who took Blessed Pope Paul VI seriously, I have tried to pray daily some part of the Breviary. If I am on my monastic schedule, the exercise is much easier.

Blessed Pope Paul VI promulgated by Apostolic Constitution “The Divine Office Revised by Decree of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council" on November 1, 1970. In the "General Instruction of the Liturgy of the Hours", the call for the public saying of the office, as well as the private saying of it as mental prayer, was reiterated.  

Many people use Universalis, found here,

and some use this site,

I also recommend the Monastic Diurnal.

May all the laity turn in these times to the discipline of the Divine Office. This prayer of the Church makes the entire day holy.

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