
Saturday, 17 January 2015

Blessed Titus Watch

In Dublin, an interesting mini-shrine of Blessed Titus Brandsma stands on the left side of the church of Whitefriars.

Yesterday, I prayed to him for some of my specific needs. As some of you know, he was in Dublin for a while and the church there has letters from when Bl. Titus was in America.

This blessed, as patron of this blog, needs to inspire all of us at this time of changes. The changes in the political scene and in the atmosphere surrounding Church news create insecurity. However, as St. Teresa pointed out in her time, meditation and contemplative prayer become more important in times of trial than in times of peace.

To find that center of peace which only God can give must be developed by each one of us in order for us to withstand the temptations of cynicism and despair.

Praying before a saint who encountered one of the worst tyrannies in modern history, I realized that I had to have the type of moral and spiritual fiber of a Blessed Titus.

We all have different walks to God. Each call is unique. However, in this time of upheaval, and, in my humble opinion, we are witnessing a crossroad in European history, all of us must develop the type of serenity and focus so clearly witnessed in the life and death of Blessed Titus Brandsma.

There is no more slush time, no more leisure time to waste.

Pray to Blessed Titus Brandsma now for extra graces. Now.

Another posting...

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