
Wednesday, 17 September 2014

American Bishops Encouraging Fast

The International Prayer and Fasting Coalition are being supported by the Catholic Church in America, and I hope in Great Britain.

From September 20th through the 28th, Catholics are encouraged to join all Christians in the world to fast for those who are being persecuted.  The main objects of prayer are the end of persecutions (peace in the world), worldwide conversion to Christianity, and the building of pro-life cultures.

Only a world under Christ can truly be at peace. More and more, countries are hindered in missionary activities, but we can all pray and fast anywhere.

Suggestions for the week are attending daily Mass, saying the rosary daily, attending Adoration, saying the Divine Mercy chaplet daily.

An opening all-day prayer vigil will occur in Washington, D. C.  Watch this space for details.

Here is the official website.

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