
Friday, 8 August 2014

August 9th Day of Prayer and Fasting

It Is Not The Role of The Layman...

to be a pacifist....why have the the post-WWII generations lost their nerve, their heart. If you do not want to fight physically, go to a monastery, or be a priest, and fight spiritually.

How can Western nations stand by and watch this? Where are the Men of the West?

God forgive the men of this generation, who are afraid, because they have turned against You, O Lord. Renew their hearts and minds and souls in you, O God.

From Justin Welby on the site above...

“The international community must document human rights abuses being committed in northern Iraq so that future prosecutions can take place. It is important and necessary for the international community to challenge the culture of impunity which has allowed these atrocities to take place.
“With the world’s attention on the plight of those in Iraq, we must not forget that this is part of an evil pattern around the world where Christians and other minorities are being killed and persecuted for their faith. Only this week I received an email from a friend in Northern Nigeria about an appalling attack on a village, where Christians were killed because of their faith in Jesus Christ. Such horrific stories have become depressingly familiar in countries around the world, including Syria, South Sudan and the Central African Republic.
“We must continue to cry to God for peace and justice and security throughout the world. Those suffering such appalling treatment in Iraq are especially in my prayers at this time.”
Other Christian leaders have also spoken up about the situation in Iraq including Roman Catholics, who, in England and Wales, have designated Sunday, 9 August, as a Day of Prayer for Christians in Iraq. The Syrian Orthodox Patriarch yesterday wrote to the UN, following an emergency meeting of Patriarchs, calling on the UN Security Council to “fulfil their responsibilities in stopping this genocide”.

Catholics, Ordinariates, join in this day of prayer. But, Laymen, do more than pray. There is not enough anger. Is there no man who cares?

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