
Sunday, 27 April 2014

New Intercessors for The Church

Pray to our newest recognized saints for the future of the Church.  Pray that these saints will intercede for the Holy Spirit to come upon both clergy and laity alike, inspiring all of us to be saints.

St. Therese of Lisieux taught her novices that one did not have to endure purgatory after death, but could experience it on earth. The saints are those who allowed God to purify them while on earth, exhibiting the unity of God as much as possible here on earth. Enduring the Dark Night of the Senses and of the Spirit, moving through the purification of the heart, imagination, will, and soul, these saints show us that we, too, can attain holiness while on earth, but not without suffering.

For us, this is a call, not only for our own salvation, but for the upbuilding of the Church. Those who die to self-love and self-will allow for the freeing of the virtues given at baptism and strengthen in confirmation. Those virtues are blocked by sin and egoism.

Now, we have two more saints who have shown us how to suffer, and how to become illumined, truly in and through grace, through trials.

SS. John Paul II and John XXIII, pray for us who have recourse to you.

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