
Sunday, 9 February 2014

Welcome to the New Look Guild Blog...

The Guild of Blessed Titus Brandsma has been given a design overhaul, in order to give it more of a 'magazine feel'.

I hope that readers enjoy the contributions we receive at the Guild from a collection of Catholic bloggers committed to spreading the Catholic faith through the internet.

We are happy to receive contributions and articles to the Guild's blog and encourage Catholic bloggers to join the Guild and to contribute their reflections to the website.

If you would like to join the Guild or to contribute writing to the Guild's blog, or both, please contact the chairman of the Guild at


  1. Looks good—efficient and clean, easy on the eyes.
    —The Catholic Sacristan.

  2. While the layout of the page is clean, the headlines are quite large and cut off after 15 characters. It makes it difficult to tease headlines
