
Thursday, 7 November 2013

Message in a bottle

I usually do not post the same ideas on this blog as I do on my own, but today is special.

I want to give a summary of what I believe Catholics should be doing at this time in the demise of Western Civilization, which was based on Christianity and the Judeo-Roman ideals of natural law and civil law.

Gone are the days when we can trust those who now, consistently, merely make laws according to relativistic trends.

Please consider these priorities in your lives at this time. Things are going to get really tough for real Catholics.

One, replace hatred, anger, sloth, and all the deadly sins with love and the other virtues. Without living a life of virtue, you and I shall not remain faithful to the end. Move away from even venial sins.

Second, teach your children and help older family members see the need for true holiness now, and not wait. Help others prioritize their faith through prayers, adoration, Mass, frequent confession. Time is short for having the capacity to find and enjoy the sacraments locally.

Three, learn to hear the Voice of God and not other voices. God speaks through the truths of the Catholic Church, but you can also learn to hear His Still Small Voice and respond quickly.

If you knew there was going to be a hurricane, like Katrina in the States, in your area, you would prepare.

So, why are you not preparing now?

Parents, why are you acting as though the future of your children will be the same as your lives have been. Why are you pretending that they can be raised like you were raised? Why are you not forming saints now? You are responsible for the souls of your children.

I can only send this message in a bottle from the sea of the growing strictures and yet, chaos. of the EU.

This message in a bottle is the last one I am sending from Europe to Europe for awhile.

I shall end by quoting Gandalf, which is really quoting J.R. R. Tolkien, a real prophet:

“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

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