
Sunday, 24 November 2013

From Padre Pio

"This present life is given to us to acquire the eternal, and due to the lack of reflection, we base our affections on what pertains to this world through which we are passing, so that when we have to leave it, we are frightened and agitated. In order to live happily on this pilgrimage, we must keep before our eyes the hope of arriving at our homeland where we shall stay for eternity, and in the meantime, we should believe this firmly."

One's affections can easily be focused on trivia, on hurts, on ourselves, instead of on serving others and waiting on God.

The problems and anxieties most of us experience fade away, really, truly, when we focus on God and heaven.

In these days, turn to God and trust. Such burdens as we face melt away in the face of the love of Divine Providence.

I can write this from exile, as God is with me in this darkness. If we accept suffering, we shall triumph. Life is all about priorities and the seeking of the Kingdom within.

On this Feast of Christ the King, focus on the King. Remember the words of Blessed John Paul II, "Do not be afraid."


  1. Very apposite and very moving. Thank you STM.

  2. Thanks...sorry I could not be with you all yesterday.
