
Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Catholic Health Association: HHS Birth Control Mandate Hunky Dory

USA: Please call the bishops you know and tell them to excommunicate or refuse Holy Communion to those who are actively working to destroy the church from within.

Lifesitenews reports that:

'The Catholic Health Association is drawing condemnation today from pro-life advocates over a statement saying there is nothing wrong with the final version of the Obama HHS mandate that compels religious groups to pay for birth control, abortion.

“HHS has now established an accommodation that will allow our ministries to continue offering health insurance plans for their employees as they have always done,” CHA said in a memo issued this morning.

“We have prepared this explanation for members to help them understand the accommodation and how to implement it,” the memorandum states. “Throughout this process, CHA has been in dialogue with the leadership of the Bishops’ Conference, the Administration and HHS.  We are pleased that our members now have an accommodation that will not require them to contract, provide, pay or refer for contraceptive coverage.”

“CHA had two principal concerns. The first was the four-part definition of what constituted a ‘religious employer.’ That concern has been eliminated,”  the memo added. “CHA’s second concern was establishing a federal precedent that mandated our members would have to include in their health plans, services they had well-established moral objections to. HHS has now established an accommodation that will allow our ministries to continue offering health insurance plans for their employees as they have always done.”

That puts the Catholic Health Association at odds with the nation’s Catholic bishops, who pointed out recently that the conscience problems with the mandate still exist. Cardinal Timothy Dolan says the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ final rule on its mandate that requires employee health insurance for contraceptives, including abortion-causing drugs, and female sterilization does not appear, on first analysis, to eliminate “the need to continue defending our rights in Congress and the courts.”

 For more see: Creative Minority Report: Catholic Health Association: HHS Birth Control Mandate Hunky Dory

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