
Friday, 14 June 2013

To elect a new leader.....

Bl Titus, guide us in our search for a new Chairman

...members and followers may know that our Chairman, Dylan Parry has resigned from blogging and, as a result, feels that he can no longer act as Chairman to the Guild.

This is a cause of great regret to the Guild as, of course, the ‘guild’ concept originated with Dylan and established itself well, under his guidance, in the three years since its inaugural meeting.

I know that Guild members will want to join in with a general vote of grateful thanks to Dylan for his dedication towards the Guild and for his considerable efforts in establishing it.

So now, we need a new leader and the plan is that we issue a call to nominate a fellow member (or, indeed, oneself) to pick up the baton and lead the Guild forward.

Fr Tim has asked me to initiate proceedings to this effect but that, dear friends, is as far as it goes. I have no ambitions to occupy the post, hence, I will not be standing (just in case any member felt rash enough to propose me).

The process will be as simple as possible; nominations should be sent to me by email .

Only members may nominate (an excellent chance to become a member, you do not need to be a blogger, just Catholic, or aspiring to be, and a user of the new technologies).
 Facebook, Twitter  and other social media members are very welcome, full instructions on the blog.

The closing date for nominations will be Saturday 22nd June 2013 after which, the names of those put forward will be emailed privately to all members who should then cast their vote, again to my email address by June 29th, Feast of Ss Peter & Paul.

An announcement (assuming that we have a clear vote) will be made within a few days.
Copies of all nominations and votes will be forwarded to Fr Tim for the sake of the integrity of the process.

So please respond with a nomination and also remember to offer a prayer that we find someone of Dylan’s calibre to lead us on.

Thank you

Richard Collins


  1. I think it unnecessary to really state this but, just in case the pc police are involved...this role is open to men as well as women!

  2. Thanks so much to Dylan for all his great work. Do you nominations here, or in your email? I have an nomination in mind.
