
Monday, 10 June 2013

A Visit to Tyburn

If anyone who reads this blog has not visited the Adoration Chapel at Tyburn Convent in London near Marble Arch, or the museum of the relics of the martyrs, I highly suggest doing this.

The relics remind us all of the great sacrifices Catholics who went before us suffered. We can also gain strength from meditating on their lives.

The stained glass windows in the crypt museum not only are unique, but truly lovely. These depict the beatitudes in conjunction with the lives of the martyrs of Tyburn. This one is from the Shrewsbury Diocese site, but there are more on Flickr.

Why we venerate and meditate on the lives of the martyrs may seem strange to many people who do not want to face suffering.

However, in these times, which so obviously are witnessing a re-paganization of Europe, one must reflect on the graces of perseverance and hope.

Hebrews 12:1

And therefore we also having so great a cloud of witnesses over our head, laying aside every weight and sin which surrounds us, let us run by patience to the fight proposed to us:

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