
Sunday, 3 March 2013

Today, I heard an excellent sermon on perfection

The pastor of the Church where I am today on Surrey gave a superb sermon.

It was on perfection. Can you imagine how happy and peaceful I was to hear this call to perfection from the pulpit.

His language mirrored that of both SS. Bernard of Clairvaux and Augustine of Hippo. Father Dominic said that we must be divinized in Christ; that is, we must become like God. Bernard uses that exact word.

The Divine Nature of God takes over our nature. God's grace is reflected in our human nature, which means that the gifts given to us from birth meld with the gifts given in baptism and confirmation. How wonderful.

Father stressed that we were like the slaves in Egypt who were freed by God. Just so, we need to decide not to be slaves and to follow Christ out of bondage into new live, away from sin.

Referring to the Name of God, "I am", Father noted that a possible translation is "I am ready and present to act".

How amazing. God comes to us and presents Himself to us. He wants to act in our lives.

This happens in a quiet manner-"God does not shout", stated Father.

So, we are purified by leaving the slavery of sin; we work in the virtues; we meet the God Who comes to meet us in love.

I wanted so much to hear a sermon on perfection and here it is, practically in my backyard!

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