
Monday, 21 January 2013

The Salt of the Earth, Fiber-optics, and Airwaves

One of the things which has struck me is the great list of blogs on this site. Too many times we take for granted members of groups to which we belong. However, I am constantly amazed at the great articles which come out of this group.

It is important for bloggers to keep the perspective of blogging for the Internet audience. We are the newest of the new evangelizers. All our articles are aimed at one thing-the spreading of the Kingdom of God, which subsits in the Catholic Church.

We are the Church Militant on line. And, we are a real, as well as virtual, community. Our roots are in the Eucharist, the centre of our Faith.

Christ, the Word of God, informs our minds and spirits so that we can spread His Word on line.

Let us never take each other for granted, but pray for each other. Let us remember, like St. Paul and St. Barnabas, the Son of Encouragement, that part of our Christian duty is to build up the community of His Church.

I give thanks to my God in every remembrance of you, Philippians 1:3, Douay-Rheims.


  1. Indeed, people who share Christ through the internet play a huge role in finishing the task our Lord Jesus Christ has set for us--make His love and grace known to every kindred and tribe. Certainly Christ's return will be hastened by the work of these modern-day evangelists.
