In Memoriam of March for Life foundress Nellie Gray [1924-2012] RIP
Compromising and deal-making to save a single unborn life while we leave behind those whom those with whom we deal refuse to negotiate?
Right or Wrong?
Harte's 'Solidaritism' vs Finnis's "Make the deal! save whoever we can!" ?
45yrs of failure under the Finnis strategy seems to indicate we are reaping what we sow.
Here's Hanink on the issues, and I have little reticence in promoting his arguments that Colin Harte is right!
No Compromise: No Exceptions.
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Another patron for the Guild?
Not so dissimilar to Bl Titus Brandsma
Today is the feastday of one of my favourite saints, St Maximilian Kolbe, martyr of Auschwitz, a saint of our time.
St Maximilian's heroic act of self sacrifice is well known to all. When a Jewish prisoner was singled out for punishment by death, Fr Kolbe stepped forward and offered to take his place.
The Nazi guards had no concept of the great favour they were granting the Catholic Faith when they accepted his offer.
Fr Kolbe, along with 9 other prisoners was locked in a cell and left to waste away; no food or water was permitted.
Each day he celebrated Holy Mass and led the prisoners in singing hymns.
Each day, as the men died, one by one, the singing became fainter and fainter until, at last, only Fr Kolbe's voice could be heard.
Impatient to clear the cell the guards gave Fr Kolbe a lethal injection of carbolic acid and he won his martyr's crown.
But, in his earlier life as a priest, Fr Kolbe had worked as a journalist editing the Polish monthly, Rycerz Niepokalanej (The Knight of the Immaculata).
In 1930 he travelled to Japan where he founded a monastery at Nagasaki and lived for six years.
And when war started, on his return to Poland, he sheltered and organised an escape route for over 2,000 Jews.
After his martyrdom the Nazis cremated his remains on 15th August 1941, Feast of The Assumption of Our Lady.
To me, St Maximilian is very much in the same mould as Blessed Titus Brandsma, a journalist, one plagued with ill health, having a great devotion to Our Lady and, of course, winning the martyr's crown.
He might make a very appropriate additional patron for the Guild. Especially as he holds the following patronages:-
Against drug addictions, drug addicts, for families, imprisoned people, journalists, political prisoners, prisoners , pro-life movement - and could we add bloggers (or, rather, Catholics who blog?)
Today is the feastday of one of my favourite saints, St Maximilian Kolbe, martyr of Auschwitz, a saint of our time.
St Maximilian's heroic act of self sacrifice is well known to all. When a Jewish prisoner was singled out for punishment by death, Fr Kolbe stepped forward and offered to take his place.
The Nazi guards had no concept of the great favour they were granting the Catholic Faith when they accepted his offer.
Fr Kolbe, along with 9 other prisoners was locked in a cell and left to waste away; no food or water was permitted.
Each day he celebrated Holy Mass and led the prisoners in singing hymns.
Each day, as the men died, one by one, the singing became fainter and fainter until, at last, only Fr Kolbe's voice could be heard.
Impatient to clear the cell the guards gave Fr Kolbe a lethal injection of carbolic acid and he won his martyr's crown.
But, in his earlier life as a priest, Fr Kolbe had worked as a journalist editing the Polish monthly, Rycerz Niepokalanej (The Knight of the Immaculata).
In 1930 he travelled to Japan where he founded a monastery at Nagasaki and lived for six years.
And when war started, on his return to Poland, he sheltered and organised an escape route for over 2,000 Jews.
After his martyrdom the Nazis cremated his remains on 15th August 1941, Feast of The Assumption of Our Lady.
To me, St Maximilian is very much in the same mould as Blessed Titus Brandsma, a journalist, one plagued with ill health, having a great devotion to Our Lady and, of course, winning the martyr's crown.
He might make a very appropriate additional patron for the Guild. Especially as he holds the following patronages:-
Against drug addictions, drug addicts, for families, imprisoned people, journalists, political prisoners, prisoners , pro-life movement - and could we add bloggers (or, rather, Catholics who blog?)
The Immaculate Prayer composed by St Maximilian
- O Immaculata, Queen of Heaven and earth, refuge of sinners and our most loving Mother, God has willed to entrust the entire order of mercy to you. I, (name), a repentant sinner, cast myself at your feet, humbly imploring you to take me with all that I am and have, wholly to yourself as your possession and property. Please make of me, of all my powers of soul and body, of my whole life, death and eternity, whatever most pleases you.
- If it pleases you, use all that I am and have without reserve, wholly to accomplish what was said of you: "She will crush your head," and "You alone have destroyed all heresies in the whole world." Let me be a fit instrument in your immaculate and merciful hands for introducing and increasing your glory to the maximum in all the many strayed and indifferent souls, and thus help extend as far as possible the blessed kingdom of the most Sacred Heart of Jesus. For wherever you enter you obtain the grace of conversion and growth in holiness, since it is through your hands that all graces come to us from the most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
- V. Allow me to praise you, O Sacred Virgin
- R. Give me strength against your enemies
- Amen
- Posted by Richard Collins - Linen on the Hedgerow
Friday, 10 August 2012
A Catholic mother on blogs and blogging
The following statement was sent to me this week and I have the author's (Elaine) permission to post it here.
It concerns an issue that has given me considerable food for thought; it poses, among many other things, the whom are we speaking when we blog?
Here it is, and many thanks Elaine for writing it:
It concerns an issue that has given me considerable food for thought; it poses, among many other things, the whom are we speaking when we blog?
Here it is, and many thanks Elaine for writing it:
thoughts on reading the Catholic blogs from a non-blogger
After reading the advert for
the meeting of the Guild of St.Titus, I thought it may be interesting to
consider the blogging world from the perspective of a reader.
Clearly, these
reflections should be regarded as idiosyncratic; a personal experience which is
not necessarily applicable to a wider audience.
With that in mind, I offer the
following thoughts:
How did I come to read
the blogs?
Simple, Richard Collins asked me to
join the followers on his blog. Yet, this simplicity reveals an important point
as it was a personal relationship that facilitated a step on the journey. It is
worth considering how bloggers will capture that ‘personal touch’ in a more
virtual environment.
How will the people
in the parishes come to know the blogs?
Why do I read the blogs?
There are lots of different
reasons why I read the blogs depending on what is happening in the Catholic
world and in my world.
If I am honest, sometimes it is just idle curiosity and
I take a ‘pick and mix’ approach to see what is interesting.
However, often it
is a deliberate choice and then the reasons include:
Catechesis –
especially from the priests ( Father Tim, Father Ray Blake, Father Z)
Encouragement –
especially from Papa Stronsay
Following news –
Rorate and others
A sense of
community – this is important as we do not participate in parish life and
travel to a different church each week for the EF Mass (follow Linen for this)
Are there risks in
reading the blogs?
Yes. The blogs can
communicate powerful rhetoric and can be very convincing.
Bloggers have a
significant responsibility and duty to remain within the boundaries of the
faith and not to lead readers astray.
This applies not only to their posts but
to the level of ‘debate’ allowed on the comments.
It is difficult because
debate is often healthy and sorts the wheat from the chaff and it is a tricky
area to manage.
Conversely, I have a duty as
a reader to consider things with a critical eye and not to blindly believe
without thinking for myself.
Another risk is that the
relationships are mostly virtual and readers can develop a false sense of
knowing the contributors.
This can happen when readers see the same name in the
comments – for example, I could begin to think that I ‘know’ the Olde Jarra
Scribe or Shadowlands but I have no idea who they are in real life.
That is why
it is essential that the Guild continues to build on the reality of personal
relationships and the bloggers really get to know each other; long may your
Chesterton hours continue.
My final risk is that the
reading the blogs can be a time consuming distraction from daily duties!
What I do not like about
the blogs
blogs that have adverts
- apart from Mystic Monk coffee!
comment pages
that become very critical
comment pages
where two contributors are locked in battle and everyone else is an onlooker (
introspective and boring)
a focus on very
local events without wider catechesis
lots and lots of
recommendations in the ‘daily reads’ (too daunting)
Looking forward
The blogs have to become
more widely known and read; especially those written by the priests in order to
strengthen catechesis. How might this
Equally, for those written
by the laity there is an urgent need to think of yourselves as the labourers.
You must work hard to ensure that the harvest is plentiful!
I hope your meeting is
blessed and fruitful,
Elaine (August 2012)
Richard Collins - Linen on the Hedgerow
Saturday, 4 August 2012
A Response to Ttony
What must we do to assist the New Evangelisation?
First understand what one is called to say before opening one's mouth!
I luckily managed to retrieve a copy of the CEG's training outlines [diamond dust - £508 on amazon!] and it's exhaustingly intensive and thorough - I'd guess there's more concrete guidance,doctrine and wisdom on a single page than in the entire Catholic Voices book; and more coherent catechesis in a paragraph than in seven years of contemporary primary school religious education...
Even the CEG junior training for adolescents is more comprehensive than any seminary formation - I doubt there are many Bishops around today who could deal with the barrage of postulates, conundrums, hypotheticals, cross-examinations, quandaries and subtleties a mere child within the Guild was expected to know, understand, express, interpret for a particular audience, be able to counter any argument involved in their position and finally be able to answer the near infinity of possible questions on it!
The CEG engaged in front-line guerrilla tactics with strategies which would knock Sun Tzu's socks off and a wisdom & experience only formulated by those who had worked gruellingly at the coalface...those Davids who had stood with knees trembling against Goliaths...
But the crucial point of their work was their intense, profound, comprehensive understanding of any issue before they opened their mouths - this was no ego-trip or vanity exercise, nor was it an opportunity to express one's personality and personal opinions in a Variety Act, nor was one ever permitted to 'wing-it' or 'fake it to make it'...the training is almost military.
You knew your stuff - you were tested, scrutinised, assessed & adjudicated on your knowledge, your understanding, your pedagogical style and your argot-empathic delivery.
A CEG member NEVER stated what the Church taught without being able to explain WHY.
In other words it's apologetics - apologetics - apologetics...not 'positive reframing in thought triangles' with soundbites on an issue you don't have a clue about & instead replace Church teaching with personalist, pragmatic, 'common-sense', middle-of-the-road, trite, patronising, posturing inanities which offends virtually everyone - while attempting to back up one's argument with an 'informed source' citation/quotation taken out-of-context!
But what's more - being a Guild member was seen as a honour and a sacrifice, a burden for which one was ill-equipped and never more than fractionally competent...there was always humility in the speaker - but there was unswerving defiant pride & devotion to the Truth about which one spoke and prayers that the Holy Spirit and 2,000yrs of the Great & the Good would speak through them as an unworthy medium.
Today there seems to be a volte-face: The smug, self-assured 'confident presence' pride is within the media commentator - the insecurity and uncertainty is in the [humiliating] weaker-than-water 'defence-no-defence' of the Faith & Holy Mother Church.
What should we be doing?
Studying, praying and teaching/training each other before we dare to presume that we could face our neighbour.
You don't give a child a carving knife or a madman an don't send someone to lecture on Romeo & Juliet just because they've seen the local rep's version of West Side Story.
And no - before anyone accuses me of intellectual snobbery - I'm not saying anyone should have a string of degrees in philosophy & theology..they are entirely different studies to apologetics and catechetics - simple easily understood eternal truths which are built upon the transcended complexity of two millennia of intellectual giants...
It's a 'modern day apologist' who would waffle on with sentimentalist,mystagogic, obscurantist, sesquipedalian meaningless guff ad nauseam when asked 'what is the meaning of Life?"
It's the child who understood their catechism who would be able to state those earth-trembling words which resound through the cosmos and reach into the depths of our souls:
"God made me to Know Him,to Love Him & to Serve Him in this World; and to be Happy forever with Him in the next"
The CEG always sought to find that which Oliver Wendell Holmes called "The Simplicity beyond Complexity"...
Our modern soundbite brigade prefer the simplicity for simpletons...sensitively relayed in an inoffensive way which offends nobody except God, The Churches Militant, Penitent & Triumphant and anyone with a heart, a conscience or a brain-cell...
Peter Kreeft has reminded us that this is a war - and at present we are losing it because we're fighting the wrong battles in the wrong way against the wrong people for the wrong reasons to the wrong ends...
He states you cannot win a war :
1] If you blissfully sew peace banners on a battlefield
2] If you do not know whom you are fighting
3] If you do not know what kind of war you are fighting
4] If you do not know the basic rules of battle
5] If you do not know your enemy's battle plan
6] If you send your troops to the wrong battlefield
7] If you use the wrong weapons
8] If you do not know how to get the right weapons
& 9] If you are not confident of your inevitable victory.
...the enemy is the Devil & Sin
...our neighbour is not the enemy - our neighbour is a wounded patient whom we are commanded to love and that commandment demands we fight for them and their souls to our last breath for the sake of our souls...
...this isn't a political war or a psychological, sociological, economical or cultural's a spiritual one...
...and until we're ready to acknowledge that fact and fight that right battle we'd better keep our swords sheathed and our mouths shut.
It's self-indulgent vanity and counterproductive folly to do anything if one is not able to speak on the Faith while ardently believing it, loving it and hoping in it....
So what should we do?
Appeal to an Apostle to reform the Catholic Evidence Guild - undergo their intensive, rigorous, scrupulous training...
..then we can dare to open our mouths.
First understand what one is called to say before opening one's mouth!
I luckily managed to retrieve a copy of the CEG's training outlines [diamond dust - £508 on amazon!] and it's exhaustingly intensive and thorough - I'd guess there's more concrete guidance,doctrine and wisdom on a single page than in the entire Catholic Voices book; and more coherent catechesis in a paragraph than in seven years of contemporary primary school religious education...
Even the CEG junior training for adolescents is more comprehensive than any seminary formation - I doubt there are many Bishops around today who could deal with the barrage of postulates, conundrums, hypotheticals, cross-examinations, quandaries and subtleties a mere child within the Guild was expected to know, understand, express, interpret for a particular audience, be able to counter any argument involved in their position and finally be able to answer the near infinity of possible questions on it!
The CEG engaged in front-line guerrilla tactics with strategies which would knock Sun Tzu's socks off and a wisdom & experience only formulated by those who had worked gruellingly at the coalface...those Davids who had stood with knees trembling against Goliaths...
But the crucial point of their work was their intense, profound, comprehensive understanding of any issue before they opened their mouths - this was no ego-trip or vanity exercise, nor was it an opportunity to express one's personality and personal opinions in a Variety Act, nor was one ever permitted to 'wing-it' or 'fake it to make it'...the training is almost military.
You knew your stuff - you were tested, scrutinised, assessed & adjudicated on your knowledge, your understanding, your pedagogical style and your argot-empathic delivery.
A CEG member NEVER stated what the Church taught without being able to explain WHY.
In other words it's apologetics - apologetics - apologetics...not 'positive reframing in thought triangles' with soundbites on an issue you don't have a clue about & instead replace Church teaching with personalist, pragmatic, 'common-sense', middle-of-the-road, trite, patronising, posturing inanities which offends virtually everyone - while attempting to back up one's argument with an 'informed source' citation/quotation taken out-of-context!
But what's more - being a Guild member was seen as a honour and a sacrifice, a burden for which one was ill-equipped and never more than fractionally competent...there was always humility in the speaker - but there was unswerving defiant pride & devotion to the Truth about which one spoke and prayers that the Holy Spirit and 2,000yrs of the Great & the Good would speak through them as an unworthy medium.
Today there seems to be a volte-face: The smug, self-assured 'confident presence' pride is within the media commentator - the insecurity and uncertainty is in the [humiliating] weaker-than-water 'defence-no-defence' of the Faith & Holy Mother Church.
What should we be doing?
Studying, praying and teaching/training each other before we dare to presume that we could face our neighbour.
You don't give a child a carving knife or a madman an don't send someone to lecture on Romeo & Juliet just because they've seen the local rep's version of West Side Story.
And no - before anyone accuses me of intellectual snobbery - I'm not saying anyone should have a string of degrees in philosophy & theology..they are entirely different studies to apologetics and catechetics - simple easily understood eternal truths which are built upon the transcended complexity of two millennia of intellectual giants...
It's a 'modern day apologist' who would waffle on with sentimentalist,mystagogic, obscurantist, sesquipedalian meaningless guff ad nauseam when asked 'what is the meaning of Life?"
It's the child who understood their catechism who would be able to state those earth-trembling words which resound through the cosmos and reach into the depths of our souls:
"God made me to Know Him,to Love Him & to Serve Him in this World; and to be Happy forever with Him in the next"
The CEG always sought to find that which Oliver Wendell Holmes called "The Simplicity beyond Complexity"...
Our modern soundbite brigade prefer the simplicity for simpletons...sensitively relayed in an inoffensive way which offends nobody except God, The Churches Militant, Penitent & Triumphant and anyone with a heart, a conscience or a brain-cell...
Peter Kreeft has reminded us that this is a war - and at present we are losing it because we're fighting the wrong battles in the wrong way against the wrong people for the wrong reasons to the wrong ends...
He states you cannot win a war :
1] If you blissfully sew peace banners on a battlefield
2] If you do not know whom you are fighting
3] If you do not know what kind of war you are fighting
4] If you do not know the basic rules of battle
5] If you do not know your enemy's battle plan
6] If you send your troops to the wrong battlefield
7] If you use the wrong weapons
8] If you do not know how to get the right weapons
& 9] If you are not confident of your inevitable victory.
...the enemy is the Devil & Sin
...our neighbour is not the enemy - our neighbour is a wounded patient whom we are commanded to love and that commandment demands we fight for them and their souls to our last breath for the sake of our souls...
...this isn't a political war or a psychological, sociological, economical or cultural's a spiritual one...
...and until we're ready to acknowledge that fact and fight that right battle we'd better keep our swords sheathed and our mouths shut.
It's self-indulgent vanity and counterproductive folly to do anything if one is not able to speak on the Faith while ardently believing it, loving it and hoping in it....
So what should we do?
Appeal to an Apostle to reform the Catholic Evidence Guild - undergo their intensive, rigorous, scrupulous training...
..then we can dare to open our mouths.
Evangelisation In England And Wales - Some Questions
A short
conversation I had with Ben Trovato and JH Steelson on Twitter led to my rash
promise to think about how I might articulate a growing conviction that there
is a huge gap which Catholics in England and Wales are not filling, and that is
using the public square for evangelisation.
The conviction arose when I read something I have not looked at for many
years: the Handbook of the Catholic Evidence Guild, published in 1922; and
realised that then as now, there weren’t enough priests to take the Gospel
everywhere that it needed to be taken, and that properly formed lay people were
more than capable of bringing non-Catholics to the point where they would seek
instruction from a priest.
I am
talking about a specific mission:
ordinary Catholics going out among their ordinary non-Catholic fellow
citizens and proclaiming God’s Truth. I’m not talking about those who engage in
the media representing the Church’s position on issues of the day; I am not
addressing the continuing formation of Catholics from cradle to grave; I am not
talking about social activism, from SVP-type provision of the necessities of
life to those in need at one end, to the silent witness outside abortariums at
the other. All of these are special and
necessary missions, but do not address the issue of converting our fellow
mission was described by an early leader of the Catholic Evidence, who also drew
on a quotation from Blessed John Henry Newman, as follows:
“The work done by the Guild is based upon a series of discoveries; that
the work is no degradation for the educated Catholic but a great honour and
privilege, as well as a grace from God; that, cæteris paribus, the mere
fact of being a Catholic gives an enormous intellectual advantage over other
religionists, and that this is recognised by the crowd; that the capacity of
the average Catholic for the exposition of his religion is far greater than has
hitherto been supposed, when he is carefully prepared along certain lines, and
well supported and led; that the crowds will take our best and be grateful for it and ask for more; that, as
Catholics are compelled to give an account of the faith that is in them, it is
better to take the initiative than to remain permanently on the defensive;
these are some few of the discoveries already
made in connection with the work, and it is clear that many others have yet to
be made, for the work is still young, is highly experimental throughout and is
pushing ahead rapidly.
The question then is, will the Catholic laity rise to the height of
their great opportunity?
‘There is a time for silence and a time to speak; the time for speaking has come. What I desiderate in Catholics is the gift of bringing out what their religion is; it is one of those ‘better gifts’ of which the apostle bids you be 'zealous’. You must not hide your talent in a napkin, or your light under a bushel. I want a laity not arrogant, not rash in speech, not disputatious, but men who know their religion, who enter into it, who know just where they stand, who know what they hold, and what they do not, who know their creed so well, that they can give an account of it, who know so much of history that they can defend it. I want an intelligent, well instructed laity. I am not denying you are such already, but I mean to be severe and, as some would say, exorbitant in my demands. I wish you to enlarge your knowledge, to cultivate your reason, to get an insight into the relation of truth to truth, to learn to view things as they are, to understand how faith and reason stand to each other, what are the bases and truths of Catholicism and where lie the main inconsistencies and absurdities of the Protestant theory … You ought to be able to bring out what you mean, as well as to feel and mean it; to expose to the comprehension of others the fictions and fallacies of your opponents and to explain the charges brought against the Church to the satisfaction, not indeed of bigots, but of men of sense of whatever opinion ... He who can realise the law of moral conflicts, and the incoherence of falsehood, and the issue of perplexities, and the end of all things, and the presence of the judge, becomes, from the very necessity of the case, philosophical, long suffering, and magnanimous.’ ”
My contention is that in the twenty-first century this is still a
mission for lay people: to persuade other lay people that it is time they went
to a priest for instruction; that the Internet, rather than the street corner,
is the place this should take place; that the work should be as organised and
prepared as was that of the Catholic Evidence Guild; and that while there are
lay people out there who could organise this work and prepare other lay people
to carry it out, there are no structures in place to make this happen and that
in consequence, many people in ignorance are being left in ignorance, and many
who should be carrying out this work are not doing so.
What was the thinking behind the Guild?
“The Guild was founded at a meeting held on
the 24th April, 1918, in the Westminster Cathedral Hall. For some months the
question of combined action to combat the public advocacy of unbelief had been
ventilated by a number of active minds. As an example of the lines upon which
the discussion was conducted the following passages may be taken from an
article entitled "Is Park preaching Practical?" by Mgr (then Father)
Coote in the Westminster Cathedral
Chronicle for April 1918 :
‘Good Catholics are so wrapt up in their
religion that they seem to be oblivious of the fact that those who profess a
different form of Christianity are not equally engrossed with it The religion
of these consists for the most part in no definite dogmatic teaching - it is
little more than a Sunday overall of Christian respectability. But that, again,
is speaking of a comparative few, for there are hundreds of thousands to whom
Religion means absolutely nothing, albeit there is deep down within them that
innate consciousness of a Supreme Being. No doubt it is this subconscious need
of religion that renders them so susceptible to giving a ready ear to any good
discussion of religious matters. For the fact remains that vast numbers in the
parks, and on the commons demonstrate at least their interest in such
The park is the free platform for all forms of
belief as well as for undisguised disbelief. So free indeed, that the law
permits Christ's Sacred Name to be mentioned in ridicule and mockery, to be put
in odious comparison, or His earthly life to be counterbalanced against mortal
living men.
What I
feel to be the need of the times therefore is a well organised Catholic
Christian Evidence Society, Guild, or Circle, for men and women, that will
state and explain, not exactly and solely Catholic practice and discipline, but
the principles of Christianity as set forth in Catholic Theology, Philosophy
and Ethics, ready to go forth with a stream of trained speakers week after
week, not out for petty controversy but to unfold the wealth of Catholic
Christian principles in their hearts and on their lips.’
Would anybody
disagree that there is equal need today?
There was a
singular difference between then and now: in 1920 Bishops saw the conversion of
non-Catholics as one of their primary missions, and welcomed the support of the
laity in this apostolate. As Cardinal
Bourne said when conferring canonical status on the Guild:
may ask you - some have asked the question already: By what authority do you
lay-folk stand up on the public platform to expound the truths of the Catholic
faith, who sent you? By whose authority do you speak? What is your mission? What
is your commission? How, in other words, do you justify your existence as
members of the Catholic Evidence Guild? Well, there is only one form in which
you can justify your existence canonically, and that is in the position of Catechists. That
is the method which has been used all over the world in the missionary
countries where the Bishops and priests have found themselves quite unable to
deal with the work of gathering into the Church those who are not members of it,
and so, universally, in purely missionary countries they take to themselves a
certain number of men and women who have been instructed for that purpose, who,
in virtue of a commission given to them by the Bishop, then go forth to
instruct And we are applying m our modern conditions the old, old method of the
Church The members of this Guild must never forget that their position is that
of lay auxiliaries called in by the Bishop of the diocese to help him to preach
the Gospel to those who without their help would be beyond the reach of his
teaching. Thus the position to which the members of the Catholic Evidence Guild
are called is a very noble and a very apostolic one. Every Bishop has an
immense number of people in his diocese who are members of his flock, but who
are not Catholics. He is bound by his pastoral charge to do what he can in
order to preach the Gospel to them and to save their souls. He calls to his
aid, therefore, a number of the laity, that they may aid him in this part of
the work committed to his charge, which he is unable to do in any other way.
this leads me to the Catholic Evidence Guild as existing in this diocese. In
order to make the position clear, as far as the work lies in the diocese of
Westminster, you will be known as the Westminster Diocesan Catechists. that
is the sub-title which will justify your existence. It is a work -which
must be carried on in absolute subordination to the Bishop of each diocese. You
speak in virtue of his commission, and in each diocese this commission must be
given solely by the Bishop of that diocese.”
of this raises several questions which I believe warrant further discussion, always
assuming that, like me, you see a need, and a lack of response to that need.
on the internet is the public space into which we can push ourselves to
proclaim the teachings of Christ’s Church to those who have not heard it elsewhere?
does who gather together a cadre of people able to train a greater number of
people to go out into that space to evangelise those who are there?
do we persuade a Bishop (who is the Bishop of Cyberspace?) not just to issue a nihil obstat, but to support, encourage
and sponsor such a mission?
are enjoined to make disciples of all nations.
What should we do if nobody else is doing it here?