
Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Guild of Blessed Titus Brandsma Mass and Meeting on Saturday 15 September at the Brompton Oratory

Thanks to the hard work of Richard Collins (Linen on the Hedgerow) and Mary O'Regan (The Path Less Taken), as well as the kind permission and generosity of the Fathers of the Brompton Oratory, and especially Fr Rupert McHardy Cong.Orat., I am pleased to announce that the next Guild of Blessed Titus Brandsma Day will be held on Saturday 15 September.

All members of the Guild as well as all Catholics who use the new media and / or social networking websites are invited to attend this event. 

The day will begin at 10.30am, with a Low Mass at the Brompton Oratory celebrated by Fr Rupert McHardy. This will be followed by a talk, also given by Fr McHardy. After a short meeting of the Guild, those present will head off to the Hour Glass (public house) for a blognic -- a warm welcome is extended to all who would like to join us at the pub. The Guild of Blessed Titus' chaplain, Fr Tim Finigan (The Hermeneutic of Continuity), will be joining us for this part of the day. The plan is to stay in the pub till about 5.00pm.

All members of the Guild, as well as all Catholic bloggers and users of the new media (YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc) and followers of Catholic blogs, are very welcome to attend the whole day or come along for part of it.

1 comment:

  1. Woulld love to be there but I will be abroad that week.
    Fr Simon Henry
