
Friday, 8 June 2012

The Feast of Corpus Christi in Wales

Last night, at St Joseph's Cathedral, Swansea, on the Feast of Corpus Christi, Sung Mass was celebrated by Father Jason Jones together with the Newcastle Emlyn Schola.

Some forty souls attended, a small number in Cathedral terms but very large when compared with how things were five years ago before Summorum Pontificum.

Then we would have been fortunate to have five in the congregation.

In another five years, I hope that we will have 100 plus attending Mass and fulfilling their obligation on this great feast.

The following clip is Byrd's Agnus Dei from last night's Mass.

It is pleading and plaintive:

"Have mercy on us O Lord and speed  support for the Holy Father in restoring tradition to our liturgy and Faith"

Posted by: Richard Collins - Linen on the Hedgerow


  1. Beautiful.

    Thank you, Richard, for posting this wonderful video.

  2. Thanks Dylan, I hope to produce more once I have bought a tripod!
