
Tuesday, 28 February 2012

A Prayer from the Desert (for Lent) - composed by a Guild supporter called Anne

(c) Luca Galuzzi -
(creative commons licence - source: Wikimedia Commons)
Lord Jesus Christ, whose will all things obey: pardon what I have done and grant that I, a sinner, may sin no more.

Lord, I believe that though I do not deserve it, you can cleanse me from all my sins.

Lord, I know that man looks upon the face, but you see the heart.

Send your Spirit into my inmost being,
to take possession of my soul and body.
Without you I cannot be saved;
with you to protect me, I long for your salvation.
And now I ask you for your salvation.
And now I ask you for wisdom.
Deign of 
your great goodness to help and defend me.
Guide my heart, almighty God,
that I may remember your presence day and night.

Blessed be God our Father, who protects his children and does not spurn their prayers. Let us all humbly pray to him:

– Lord, give us light to see by.

We thank you, Lord, for sending us your only Son to enlighten us:
may his light fill us all day long.

– Lord, give us light to see by.

Lord, send your wisdom to lead us through the day:
let us walk in the purity of a new life.

– Lord, give us light to see by.

Give us the strength to endure adversity for your sake:
with courage let us serve you unceasingly.

– Lord, give us light to see by.

Guide our thoughts, our feelings and our actions today,
so that we may serve you and follow you.

– Lord, give us light to see by.

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

Lord God, true Light and Creator of light,
grant that faithfully pondering on all that is holy,
we may ever live in the splendour of your presence.
We make our prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God for ever and ever.

Friday, 24 February 2012

The Brandsma Seven!

                                              Blessed Titus - Ora pro nobis

The pick of the week's top posts from the Catholic blogosphere......

1. What is the link between poultry and Catholicism?

Well, as a poultry keeper myself, my eye was taken by this intriguing post from Katie Sciba.
Sadly, Katie is referring to our Christian courage rather than advice on how to get your hens laying more eggs but she does go on to quote from St Francis – are you an ostrich, chicken, swallow or eagle?
 Read the post and find out HERE

2. This one is for priests who want to celebrate Ad Orientum (Usus Antiquior) but who need the assurance that it's kosher, well, not quite kosher but it's OK.
Thanks to The Eponymous Flower for an interesting post.

3. It's good to know that we have some strong Bishops out there; men who boldly state the truth. Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia is one such man, bravo! This is a news agency report on him HERE

4. At first you might say: "Oh, no, not more on Vatican II!" but this piece on how it is being misinterpreted is sound and interesting. Thanks to Jay Boyd of Philothea on Phire.

5. One for the brick by brick file as Fr Z might say. Roma Locuta Est reports on Liturgical Changes - but good ones, doing away with the 'greeting' at the start of Mass and calling a halt to the removal of infants for whatever it is they do when they are Hamelined off backstage. More to follow, hopefully.

6. Our very own Fr Simon Henry reports on Catholic education and how Cardinal Bertone is locked in a tussle with the University of Peru who wish to move things along in a manner foreign to Holy Mother Church's teachings. They have until Easter to submit before His Eminence brings the Canons to bear.

7. Finally, for those who enjoy theological enigmas, here is one from
 Fr Ryan Erlenbush. "If Christ could not sin, how was He tempted in the Desert?"

Posted by Linen on the Hedgerow

Thursday, 23 February 2012

De Maria, numquam satis.: Our Lady and St Peter

De Maria, numquam satis.: Our Lady and St Peter: De Maria, numquam satis. I am afraid I have already made retreats from my Lenten battlefield. I am trying hard not to be despondent but I...

Saturday, 18 February 2012

An extremely enjoyable and successful second meeting of the Guild of Blessed Titus Brandsma...

For good food, good company and good liturgy,
Our Lady of the Rosary, Blackfen is the place to be!
Taken during lunch at today's Guild of Bl Titus event 
The Guild of Blessed Titus Brandsma for Catholic bloggers and those who use the new social media gathered at Our Lady of the Rosary, Blackfen, today for its second official meeting. All those who came along to this event were warmly welcomed by the parish and its parish priest, the well-known and acclaimed blogger, Fr Tim Finigan (The Hermeneutic of Continuity).

The day began with Holy Mass celebrated in the Lady Chapel, followed by Adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament on the high altar. This period of worship was followed by a talk by one of the Guild members.

Unfortunately, our guest speaker, Fr Sam Medley SOLT (Medley Minute), was not able to be with us, so the Catholic journalist and writer, Mary O'Regan (The Path Less Taken), graciously volunteered to address the Guild in his place. Fr Sam had planned to speak on the theme of blogging as a way of enhancing ecclesial communion, but Mary developed this idea in her own way, concentrating on the relationship that exists between print journalism and the new media. Being both a blogger and a journalist, Mary O'Regan was aptly qualified to speak on this interesting subject. Her informative and entertaining talk left her listeners with much food for thought!

Lunch was a time for catching up, laughing, sharing stories and discussing various aspects of Church life and the Catholic blogging community. The food was superb - really wonderful, as always! In fact, if parishes were ever to receive awards for culinary excellence, Our Lady of the Rosary, Blackfen, would probably be given a Michelin star!

After lunch, about 15 Catholic bloggers - plus some others who use the new media (Facebook, YouTube, etc) or who comment on blogs - met for the second meeting of the Guild since it was formed last year. Amongst some of the issues raised at the meeting were: the contribution made by Catholic bloggers to the New Evangelisation, how members could make better use of the Guild blog, and the best way for Catholics to respond to cyber bullying. It was also decided that the Guild should next meet in another part of the country, so as to make sure that members from outside London and the South-East are able to attend future events.

Mary O'Regan addresses the Guild of Bl Titus Brandsma
(Photo: (c) Mac McLernon at Mulier Fortis)
It was also noted during the meeting that several apologies had been sent, and that many internationally well-known bloggers, such as Tito Edwards (Editor of The as well as the blogging members of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer, had expressed a desire to come to the next Guild event. During our prayers before and after the meeting, members of the Guild remembered those who could not be with us due to ill health - especially Fr Sam Medley and Stuart James (eChurch).

Here is a list of those Catholic bloggers who were present at the Guild of Bl Titus Brandsma's meeting today - it does not include participants who do not have their own blog, or those who use Twitter or Facebook only: -

Me (A Reluctant Sinner), Richard Collins (Linen on the Hedgerow), Hilaire Belloc, Laurence England (That The Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill), Paul Priest (On The Side Of The Angels), Karen Horn (Gem of the Ocean), Plain Talking, Mac McLernon (Mulier Fortis), Anthony Radice (A Tiny Son of Mary), Fr Tim Finigan (The Hermeneutic of Continuity) and Mary O'Regan (The Path Less Taken). Annie Elizabeth (Defende nos in proelio) was present in the morning, but had to leave before lunch. Two future bloggers called Therese and Jimin were also present, as was a reader on Catholic Answers, called Sonia. One or two blog followers, such as Roy Hobson, also made it to the Guild meeting.

The day ended with the public recitation of the Rosary - which was more than a fitting way of bringing the Guild meeting to a close, especially seeing that we had gathered at the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary!

I would like to express my gratitude to all who supported this event, to those who travelled far and wide to be at it, and, of course, to Fr Tim Finigan and his parishioners, especially those who helped with the liturgies and cooked and served the excellent lunch!

Dylan Parry (A Reluctant Sinner)

Thursday, 16 February 2012

The essence of Catholicism

                                          Bruce Marshall normally looked
                                                                       to the right
The recent flurry of lists of favourite books that have shot around the blogosphere over the past week, (thanks to Mulier Fortis), prompted me to reflect on books that I believe are quintessentially, Catholic.

By that I mean that they reflect elements of the faith that we aspire to and, in may respects, they show glimpses of the days when the Catholic Church enjoyed  better times.

Of course, I am speaking only of Catholic fiction and what a lot of that there is to choose from.

One other thing that is very apparent when one looks at the great Catholic authors, is that they are mainly all converts to the Faith.

What a debt we owe to converts, they have rejuvenated the faith when it needed it and made us cradle Catholics re-appraise our stance and improve our piety.

It is the converts, very often, who are the fount of all wisdom on matters theological and one such author is a favourite of mine.

Bruce Marshall, author of many books and, in particular, a very fine account of Catholic life in Scotland in the 19th century – ‘All Glorious Within’

This is Marshall’s account of the beginning of Sung Mass on a Sunday morning, it sets a scene that would be especially appreciated by altar servers.

The priest is conducting the Asperges and he and his server walk down the aisle, facing all in the congregation……

The congregation stood up as Father Smith marched in to give the Asperges, with Tim O’Hooley and Angus McNab holding back the sides of his cope.

“Asperges me”, he intoned in his throaty voice which the Bishop had once said he was afraid would never be quite the real Mackay, and Miss O’Hara and her billiard markers, insurance touts and untouched virgins zoomed and screeched back: “Domine, hyssopo, et mundabor.”

Down through the files of the faithful went Father Smith, with Patrick O’Shea walking in front, carrying the bucket of holy water.

Railway porters, dockers, sailors, schoolmistresses, shop girls and servant girls all crossed themselves as the silver glistening blobs came flicking out at them.
Across hats and shawls and bold bald pates the priest sprinkled the holy water, symbolically washing them from their weekday thoughts and ambitions, out across the old women at the back wearing their husband’s tweed caps stuck on with a big pin, because, although St Paul had said that a woman’s crowning glory was her hair he had also said that she ought to keep it covered when she went into the House of the Lord.

To the three chorus girls with hair like wood shavings Father Smith gave a special sprinkle because he thought their pale yellow faces looked so awful, and to Professor Brodie Ferguson in the third row because he thought that the metaphysician suffered from intellectual pride….”

What a great scene that paints. Every word is an individual gem that contributes to the whole and it just exudes what I believe to be the essence of Catholicism.

I especially like the last line dedicated to the Professor who suffered from ‘intellectual pride’- so true, even today.
Still available on Amazon.

Posted by Richard Collins - Linen on the Hedgerow